Malachi Rempen: Jack of Trades

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"La Nina del Desierto" Nearing Completion

On May 2nd, La Nina del Desierto will premiere on the big screen at Chapman University. Until then, we're going to be scrambling to finish. By "we" I mean the editor, Daniel McLellan, the composer, Brian Andrews, and the sound designer, Robert Brinkerhoff. A lot of work has already been done, but a lot is left to do.

In the meantime, here's a poster!

Monday, April 13, 2009

10-Second Film Festival Submission

Some geniuses here at Chapman came up with the 10-second film festival. Here's my submission:

Not including titles and credits, it's exactly ten seconds.

I think this is a great idea - not just for fun, but to keep exercising those filmmaking muscles. Keeps you sharp, and keeps your creativity peaking.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"Silver Lincoln" In NFFTY Trailer!

I just saw the trailer for 2009's National Film Festival for Talented Youth, and The Silver Lincoln is part of it! Check it out below:

We're at the 40 second mark. Check out NFFTY's site.